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What is Gynecomastia

Posted on Friday, February 22nd, 2013 by Dr. Babak Dadvand

Gynecomastia is quite literally defined as female breast (from the Greek words gyne and mastia).  It is a condition where males develop increased tissue in their chest. Gynecomastia can take on different forms and depending on the type of gynecomastia, the treatment will differ.

One form of gynecomastia involves a firm mass centered underneath the areola. This is predominantly breast tissue and can be painful because breast tissue is sensitive to estrogen levels. This type of gynecomastia can be seen in all body types, from overweight males to bodybuilders, although the reason for developing this type of gynecomastia differs in these two groups.

Another form of gynecomastia is primarily fatty tissue. This is also referred to as pseudogynecomastia because there is no increase in glandular breast tissue but there is an increase in fatty tissue in the chest.  Typically males with this form of gynecomastia are overweight.

Another form of gynecomastia can involve not only an increase in breast tissue but also skin excess. These patients will typically need some sort of skin excision procedure and or breast lift.

It is important when evaluating a patient for gynecomastia surgery to perform a careful physical examination and tailor the treatment for that patient’s particular form of gynecomastia.

To learn more about gynecomastia and to view before and after pictures visit my website at drdadvandplasticsurgery.com.

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