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Botox – Some Historical Facts

Posted on Friday, November 30th, 2012 by Dr. Babak Dadvand

As a board certified plastic surgeon, one of the most common procedures I perform is Botox injections. Botox is synonymous with plastic surgery and has been around for a long time. But how much do you know about Botox and its history? Well, keep reading and to find out!

Botox was first used cosmetically in 1989 after years of use for things such as strabismus, esophageal atresia, and other medical issues. Botox became FDA approved in 2002 for the treatment of glabellar lines. These are otherwise known as scowl lines, or the “elevens” that appear between the eyes when scowling.

There are 2.6 million treatments performed per year in the US, making it the most common non-surgical procedure performed. Botox is widely available in many major cities such as Los Angeles, Philadelphia and New York City.

Some of the medical issues Botox has been shown to be useful are: migraines (FDA approved in 2010), hyperhidrosis (i.e. extreme sweating) of the underarms and palms, and jaw clenching.

In addition to the glabellar lines, Botox has cosmetic benefits for forehead lines, crows feet, upper lip lines, bunny lines (these are the lines that can occur when people scrunch their noses), as well as neck bands, and dimpling of the chin.

To learn more about Botox and to view before and after pictures visit my website at drdadvandplasticsurgery.com.

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