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The Skinny on Gynexin

Posted on Friday, November 22nd, 2013 by Dr. Babak Dadvand

Gynexin is an herbal supplement reported to effectively treat gynecomastia. What is it, how does it work, and what are the claims of success? In this post I will break down the details on this medical treatment for gynecomastia.

First of all, I must preface this post by saying that there have been many reported medical “cures” for gynecomastia, yet none has been shown to be nearly as successful as surgery.

Gynexin photoGynexin has actually been around for a number of years. It establishes itself as a natural herbal formula that targets the adipose (fat) tissue in the chest. It contains ingredients such as chromium, gugglsterone, caffeine, green tea extract, as well as proprietary gynexin blend (which is like the secret ingredient). Gynexin comes in capsule form and is taken on a twice daily basis.

One search of the internet and there are claims that Gynexin has a 90-100% effective rate. There are several issues with this statement. For one, rarely is there a medical treatment that is effective for 100% of people 100% of the time. The other issue is that in true gynecomastia, it is not the fatty tissue that is the problem, but the excess glandular tissue that causes the firm, puffy, sometimes tender look of gynecomastia. Per their own website, targeting the fatty tissue will have no impact on the glandular breast tissue.

On another note, herbal supplements do not go through the rigorous testing and scrutiny of the FDA to look at their safety and efficacy. This is why the world of herbal supplements is filled with promises without a lot of scientific data to back up the claims.

In conclusion, once glandular gynecomastia has developed the only predictable permanent treatment is surgery. While some men, especially those with excess fatty tissue (pseudogynecomastia) may have some improvement with this product, men with glandular gynecomastia will still be better served with corrective surgery.

To learn more about gynecomastia surgery and to see before and after pictures visit my website at drdadvandplasticsurgery.com.

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