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Breast Implant Profiles

Posted on Friday, March 28th, 2014 by Dr. Babak Dadvand

Breast implants come in all shapes and sizes.  As a plastic surgeon specializing in breast augmentation I spend a significant amount of time discussing the various aspects of breast implants. In this post I want to focus on the profile of the implant. This is something that patients can get confused about so I want to make it as easy to understand as possible because it is an important factor in picking the best implant for you.

Simply stated, the profile of the breast implant refers to how much it projects form the chest. Generally speaking there are low profile, moderate profile, and high profile implants. If you take three implants of the same volume, say 300cc, but each having either a low, moderate, or high profile, they will look very different form each other. Basically the 300cc implant that is low profile will have a wider base and less projection than the same size implant that is high profile. This is important when selecting the best implant for the patient.

Now why is this? Well one of the most important parts of the breast exam is to measure the width of the breast. This is important because you don’t want to select an implant that is wider than your natural breast width.

The other important aspect of implants is how much they project and so if a patient wants a certain size and in one profile it would be too wide for her breast, in order to get the volume she wants, but keep the width of the implant from being too wide, I would have to use a higher profile implant that will project more.

Below is a photo of three 300cc implants in low profile, moderate profile, and high profile. Notice that the width of the implant decreases and the height of the implant increases as you go higher in profile.

Breast Implant Profiles photoPractically speaking, women who desire a more natural look will do better with a low or moderate profile implant where as women who want a fuller look (especially in the upper part of the breast) will achieve their result with a high profile implant. Click here to see my gallery of breast augmentation before and after photos.

To find out more about breast augmentation, and to see before and after pictures, please visit my website at drdadvandplasticsurgery.com.

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