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Abdominoplasty in Over Weight Patients

Posted on Friday, July 26th, 2013 by Dr. Babak Dadvand

There are many factors that make someone an ideal candidate for a surgical procedure. Abdominoplasty surgery is no different. Deciding who is a good candidate for abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, is crucial in obtaining the best results. Typically ideal tummy tuck candidates have loose skin, some excess fat, loose muscles, and are within a reasonable weight range for their height.

That being said, I see many patients present for tummy tuck surgery who are overweight and in some cases obese. There are two issues here. The first issue is that patients who are obese may have higher complication rates post surgery, especially with healing. The second issue is that some patients who are overweight may actually have tight skin and so the results of a tummy tuck may not be as dramatic as one would think and could lead to a higher scar placement.

In certain cases obese or morbidly obese present for surgery. These patients have a panniculus, which is an apron of skin that hangs below their groin line. For these patients a panniculectomy is performed and can actually have a very positive impact on their lives.

To learn more about abdominoplasty surgery and to see before and after pictures visit my website at drdadvandplasticsurgery.com.

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