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Gynecomastia Surgery and the Recovery Process: Day by Day

Posted on Monday, June 16th, 2014 by Dr. Babak Dadvand

Gynecomastia surgery is a straight-forward out-patient procedure that can greatly improve self-confidence and self-esteem. The surgery is a crucial aspect of the entire process but the recovery process is just as important. The following is a day by day guide of what to expect with the surgery and what is expected of the patient.

Day 0: Surgery day, the most exciting and nervous day for you. The surgery is an outpatient procedure taking between 1 to 2 hours. After spending about an hour in the recovery room, you are taken home. At home it is important to get up and walk, if only to the bathroom. This will keep the blood circulating in your legs and reduce the risk of blood clots in your legs.  You will take your pain medicine as necessary and will take your antibiotic medicine.

Day 1: Your follow up in the office. Here Dr. Dadvand will examine you, perform drain teaching (if you have drains), and go through your restrictions for the up-coming week. It is important to wear your compression garment at all times, except for when showering, which can be done after48 hours.

Day 1-7: Several restrictions exist during this week. Patient must sleep on their back at a 20-30 degree angle. There is to be no lifting more than 10-15 lbs, no lifting the arms past 90 degrees, and no strenuous activity.

Day 7: Your one week follow up visit. Here Dr. Dadvand will remove all of the dressings. This is an exciting visit for patients because they get their first glimpse of their new chest. Dr. Dadvand will then go over restrictions. These include no lifting more than 15 lbs and no strenuous activity, but you may now lift your arms over your head and sleep on your sides. Also, antibiotics will have been completed and most patients will be off of pain medications and back to work.

Day 7-Day 30: Continue to wear the compression garment at all times. Patients have returned to work, unless it includes heavy lifting.

Day 30: Your 1 month visit. Here Dr. Dadvand will examine your progress to determine when you may resume exercise and strenuous activity. Most patients begin exercise between 4 and 6 weeks based on the extent of their surgery and the degree of swelling they have.

Day 42: The six week mark. This is when you can stop wearing the compression garment. For some patients the garment is discontinued a week or so sooner.

To learn more about gynecomastia and to view before and after photos, visit drdadvandplasticsurgery.com.

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